Christmas Peaches and Cream

Christmas Peaches and Cream

Nothing smacks of summer more than delicious stone fruits. And this grilled peaches and cream recipe is just the perfect summer dessert for easy entertaining because it can be prepared in advance with very little effort. The peaches are first grilled for a few minutes for a bit of char, then sprinkled with some vanilla sugar before being baked. The natural sweetness that is released from the baking of the peaches and the addition of the vanilla sugar is offset by the slightly acidic flavour of the Creme Fraiche. Served just like that – it’s heaven on a spoon. But with a few little additions, this simple dessert that can easily be elevated into an impressive masterpiece. Just add Pomegranate Seeds and some thyme leaves for a Christmas day delight. To make it even more exciting I like to sprinkle some chocolate and vanilla flavoured Brutti Buoni Nutty Meringues biscuits over the top. They’re my go to off the shelf meringue biscuit which I get from Simon Johnson Providore. They’re a handy pantry addition for jazzing up ice cream or just to have with a good coffee at any time. I’m addicted to them. Most Italian delis should stock them.

Ingredients for Christmas Peaches and Cream

Christmas peaches and cream ingredients
Christmas peaches and cream ingredients
  • 9 Yellow or White peaches
  • 1/4 Cup White Caster Sugar
  • 2 Vanilla Bean pods, with the the beans scraped out
  • 250ml Amaretto Liqueur
  • 250ml Creme Fraiche
  • Seeds from one Pomegranate
  • Thyme leaves for garnish
  • 9 Chocolate Brutti Buoni Nutty Meringue Biscuits
  • 9 Vanilla Brutti Buoni Nutty Meringue Biscuits

Cheat Sheet tips for the peachiest of desserts

Grilled peaches
Grilled peaches baked with vanilla sugar, ready for serving and garnishing
  • Choose peaches that are just ripe ready. If they are too ripe and soft, it will be difficult to remove the pips without bruising the fruit.
  • To cut the peaches or any stone fruit into halves, gently slice the peaches around the natural “seam” making sure you cut down to the pip. Then gently twist the fruit open into halves.
  • If the pip is difficult to remove, try ease a teaspoon under the pip to leverage it out smoothly.
  • When you grill the peaches, make sure that you KEEP WATCH! You don’t want to burn them to a crisp, you just want some noticeable charring.
  • I use creme fraiche with this recipe, but you could also use normal whipped cream. For me the creme fraiche has a nice acidity that cuts through the sweetness of the vanilla sugar and the natural sweetness of the peaches that is released by the baking.
Brutti Buoni Nutty Meringue Biscuits
  • I’m madly addicted to these Brutti Buoni Nutty Meringue biscuits. Most Italian deli’s should stock them.They’re a handy pantry addition for jazzing up ice cream or just to have with a good coffee at any time. I get mine from Simon Johnson providore in Sydney.

Christmas Peaches and Cream

dessert Continental, Fusion
By Mrs Robinson Serves: 6
Prep Time: 40 minutes including serving Cooking Time: 10 minutes Total Time: 40 minutes

Peaches and Cream is the dessert of summer. It's a simple dessert that can be elevated into a masterpiece with ease. This grilled peaches and cream dessert will not disappoint. The peaches are first grilled for a few minutes for a bit of char, then sprinkled with some vanilla sugar before being baked. The natural sweetness that is released from the baking of the peaches and the addition of the vanilla sugar is offset by the slightly acidic flavour of the Creme Fraiche. Served just like that - it's heaven on a spoon. But with a few little additions, this simple dessert that can easily be elevated into an impressive masterpiece. Just add fresh pomegranate seeds and some thyme leaves for a Christmas day delight. To make it even more exciting I like to sprinkle some chocolate and vanilla flavoured Brutti Buoni Nutty Meringue biscuits over the top.


  • 9 Yellow or white peaches
  • 1/4 Cup White Caster Sugar
  • 2 Vanilla Bean Pods, with the the beans scraped out
  • 250ml Amaretto Liqueur
  • 250ml Creme Fraiche
  • Seeds from one Pomegranate
  • Thyme leaves for garnish
  • 9 Chocolate Brutti Buoni Nutty Meringue Biscuits
  • 9 Vanilla Brutti Buoni Nutty Meringue Biscuits


Vanilla Sugar Preparation


Add the 1/4 cup of caster sugar to a pestle and mortar


Add the scraped vanilla beans to the sugar


Pound with the pestle and mortar until all the sugar and vanilla beans are well mixed

Peach Preparation


Set the grill on high


Cut the peaches in half and remove the pip


Place the peach halves into a flat baking dish with the cut side facing up


Place the peaches under the grill and watch them carefully at this stage to ensure they do not burn


Once charred to your liking, remove from the oven


Turn grill off and put the oven on to 200°C


Sprinkle the peaches with the vanilla sugar - about one teaspoon each


Pour a tablespoon of Amaretto into the centre of each peach


Return to the oven and bake for 5-8 minutes until cooked through and the sugar has melted completely. Be careful not to cook them too long as you still want a slight firmness to the peaches


Remove from the oven and cover in foil and set aside until ready for serving

To Serve


Just before serving, reheat the peaches quickly in the oven or in a microwave


Remove heated peaches and add 2-3 halves per serving bowl


Add a small dollop of creme fraiche to each peach half


Sprinkle over the pomegranate seeds


Sprinkle over the thyme leaves


Crush the Brutti Buoni biscuits generously over each serving


If you cannot get the Brutti Buoni Biscuits, you can use any meringue.

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