Aromatic Asian-Style Beef ribs

Aromatic Asian Style Beef Short Ribs

This slow-cooked, aromatic Asian-style beef short rib recipe, turns this humble secondary cut of meat into a mouthwatering masterpiece. Slow-cooked over a number of hours, the meat is fall off the bone tender and just melt in your mouth delicious. The subtle Asian flavours offset the heartiness of the beef and deliver a flavour that simply sings. The longer it cooks, the more the flavours infuse through the meat.

For the time poor entertainer, it’s a brilliant set and forget recipe that you just cannot mess up. Served with a velvety mash and garnished with spicy, hot chilli and spring onion, it’s both luscious and fresh to the taste.

Because this recipe is so moreish, it’s worth making more of as it’s even better the next day.


Asian-Style Beef Short Rib Ingredients
Asian-Style Beef Short Rib Ingredients
  • Beef Short Ribs
  • Carrots
  • Red Onion
  • Garlic
  • Ginger
  • Spring Onions
  • Chilli flakes
  • Fresh Chilli
  • Star Anise
  • Five Spice Powder
  • Beef Stock
  • Salt and Pepper to taste

Cheat Sheet Tips for a fall off the bone, tender short rib

Beef Short Ribs
Beef Short Ribs
Browning the Beef
Browning the Beef
Ready, Steady, Go - Ingredients ready for sauteeing
Ready, Steady, Go – Ingredients ready for sauteeing
  • Even though you’ll be slow cooking the beef for ages, take the time to brown the meat in advance as it seals in the goodness, and helps develop the flavour.
  • The onion and carrot as an addition to this recipe may at first seem a bit at odds with the flavours of Asia. But don’t skip on adding these as they contribute both as an agent of flavour and as a natural thickener for the sauce.
  • Don’t waste the green tops of the spring onions as they can add additional depth of flavour.
  • Whilst this is a set and forget recipe, for absolute perfection and to get an even distribution of colour and cooking, make sure you check in from time to time to turn your meat over while cooking.
  • Your pot size is critical. Make sure that your pot is big enough so that you can turn the ribs easily and that there is enough space in-between for them to cook evenly.
  • Add some toasted sesame seeds when serving for a subtle nutty flavour enhancement.

Aromatic Asian-Style Beef Ribs

Dinner, Entertaining, Chilly Days Asian
By Mrs Robinson Serves: 8
Prep Time: 30minutes Cooking Time: 3-4 hours Total Time: 4.5 hours

What's not to love about this recipe. It's rich, luscious and full of the subtle flavours of Asia. Slow-cooked to perfection, it's guaranteed to warm the cockles of your heart especially on a chilly day. There's nothing quite like a secondary cut of meat slow cooked to perfection and this recipe delivers both flavour and contentment in spades.


  • Aromatic Asian-style Beef Ribs
  • 3kg Beef Short Ribs
  • 2 Carrots grated
  • 1 Large Red Onion diced
  • 5 Cloves Garlic
  • 2 Heaped Tablespoons freshly grated Ginger
  • 1 Bunch Spring Onions - tops for cooking and bottoms for garnish
  • 1 Tablespoon Chilli flakes
  • 4 Fresh Chillis cut on the diagonal for garnish
  • 5 Star Anise pods
  • 2 Tablespoons Five Spice Powder
  • 1-2 L Beef Stock
  • 100 grams Hoisin Sauce
  • Juice of 1 lime
  • 4 Tablespoons oil and a Knob of Butter for browning
  • Salt and Pepper to taste


Put the oven on fan force and preheat to 180°C

Vegetable Preparation


In a pestle and mortar, add the garlic, tablespoon of vegetable oil and chilli flakes and crush gently into a rough paste


Grate the carrots


Dice the red onion finely


Cut off the green tops of the spring onion and chop into fine rings

Beef Rib preparation


Heat 2 tablespoons of the oil and a knob of butter on a high stove top heat in a large casserole dish or Dutch oven


Sear off and brown the Beef Ribs in batches


When completely browned all over, remove and set aside


Add the remaining 2 tablespoons of oil to the same pot and heat through


Add the diced red onion, carrot, crushed garlic, ginger, spring onion, Star Anise and Five spice powder to the pot and cook until the vegetables are sweated and translucent and the asian fragrances are released


Return the browned ribs to the pot


Pour in the stock making sure that the ribs are mostly covered by the liquid


Cover with a lid and bring to a boil


When boiling, remove from the stove and place in the oven


Cook on low for 3-4 hours checking intermittently to make sure the liquid does no boil away


If needed, top up the liquid levels with the extra stock and cook a little more


The meat is ready when it can be pulled apart gently using 2 forks, but is still holds to the bone.

Fine tuning the flavours and reducing the sauce


When the meat is ready, remove from the pot, set aside and cover with foil to keep warm


Skim off any oil that may be visible on the surface of the liquid that remains in the pot


Season with the Hoisin sauce, lime juice and salt and pepper to taste, making sure to stir it all in well to combine the flavours


At this point, if you feel that your sauce is a bit too liquid, boil it on a high heat on the stove for a few minutes to reduce and thicken as you want an a oozy consistency


When you are happy with the consistency return the ribs the pot, and gently toss in the sauce ready for serving



Cut the red chillis into fine slices on the diagonal and set to the side ready for serving. Remove the seeds if you want them to be less spicy and hot


Cut the remaining spring onions finely on the diagonal and set aside ready for serving


Separate the leaves from the coriander stems and set aside ready for serving

To Serve


Add a generous serving of ribs over plated mash


Spoon over some sauce


Garnish with the fresh chilli, spring onion and coriander leaves



Handle the cooked ribs with care because if cooked correctly, they'll be ready to fall off the bone.

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