BBQ’d Whole Salmon with Asian Aromatics

Asian-Styled BBQ Salmon

The flavours of this healthy salmon recipe bring joy to your tastebuds. The salty, sweet and slightly tangy flavours of the marinade bounce around your tastebuds and together with the natural fattiness of the salmon, they all come together into a multi-layered taste sensation that explodes in your mouth.

These are the key ingredients to this fresh, healthy dish….

A mouthwateringly simple, yet impressive dish that is guaranteed to have guests asking for seconds…


  • Salmon
  • Fresh Coriander
  • Spring Onions
  • Red Chillies
  • Ginger
  • Garlic
  • Lemons
  • Fish Sauce

Chopping instructions for the Asian-style marinade

Chopped Ingredients for Asian-styled BBQ Salmon
Chopped Ingredients for Asian-styled BBQ Salmon

For the marinade it’s important to dice the ingredients finely to release and maximise their fragrances and flavours.

Respecting this beautiful seafood is key to the enjoyment of this meal

Freshly marinading salmon fillet

Hints and Tips to for this salmon sensation

  • I like to use a whole salmon fillet as it’s easier to control the cooking and keep the fish moist. Harris Farm Markets(Sydney) sells half salmon fillets at extremely reasonable prices.
  • One half salmon feeds 4 people comfortably.
  • You can use ocean Trout as a substitute and Harris Farm Markets(Sydney) also sell half fillets of Ocean Trout.

Serve With:

  • Garnish with spring onions
  • Fresh flash fried vegetables
  • Steamed Jasmine rice
  • Soy sauce for dipping

BBQ'd Whole Salmon with Asian Aromatics

Dinner, Lunch, Seafood, Fresh, Contemporary, Fusion, Australian,
By Mrs Robinson Serves: 4
Prep Time: 20 minutes Cooking Time: 25 Minutes Total Time: 45

This flavours of the healthy salmon recipe bring joy to your tastebuds. The salty, sweet and slightly tangy flavours of the marinade bounce around your tastebuds and together with the natural fattiness of the salmon, it all comes together into a multi-layered taste sensation that explodes in your mouth.


  • Ingredients
  • Half a Salmon fillet (approximately 800g-1kg)
  • Marinade
  • 1 Bunch Fresh Coriander - use the stem and the leaves
  • 1 Bunch Spring Onions
  • 3 Fresh Red Chillis
  • 40g Ginger (medium sized knob)
  • 1 Stalk lemongrass
  • 4 Lemons juiced
  • 4ml Fish Sauce
  • 4 Tablespoons
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil or Rice Bran oil to help coating of the sauce


Marinade Preparation


Squeeze the lemon juice into a measuring jug


Add the oil


Finely dice the chillis, lemongrass, ginger and coriander roots and add to the lemon juice and oil mixture


Add the fish sauce


Add the sugar and stir until all the sugar dissolves


Taste and adapt the flavour based on your preferred taste profile - add more fish sauce for salt, and more sugar for sweet


You are looking for a rounded tangy, salty, sweet combination of flavours

Fish Preparation


Place fish into a large flat bottom pan or container


Pour over the marinade and leave to marinade in the fridge for about 20-30 minutes


During this time the marinade will work to cure the fish slightly and infuse the flavour

Cooking Process


Pre-heat your BBQ plate to medium-high


Use a flat bottom BBQ tray or lay down some tin-foil with the corners turned up to keep in the marinade


Barbecue your salmon skin side up and baste with the marinade for 12-15 minutes depending on the thickness of the salmon


Cover in between basting



Serve with jasmine rice and flash fried spring vegetables


Soya sauce for dipping


When Salmon is cooked perfectly the flesh will have a slight gleam as it flakes. The best way to check wether your Salmon or Ocean Trout is done is to use a fork. If it flakes easily then it's time to stop cooking and to take it off the BBQ. Make sure that you are checking the thickest part of the fish.

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